V.L. Alexandrov, V.N. Kireev, D.A. Grubov. What kind of Arctic large tanker will be? Development of Arctic large tanker conception, selection of most acceptable characteristics. The ship's purpose: simultaneous transportation of 4 kinds of cargoes including oil products and gas condensate without limitation of flash point, with mass density up to 1.025 t/cub.m; receiving and transportation of oil from ice-resistant offshore loading terminal or off-shore stationary platform of Arctic freezing seas, from the Norvegian Sea and the North Sea, including receiving with the use of bow loading system (BLS). For seventieth birthday of Y.N. Kormilitsin Rigidly Ц inflatable motorboats УRedanФ Ц Novelty of the shipbuilding market of Russia. New in a direction of JSC УRedan-KBФ activity is designing and building of rigid Цinflatable motorboats (RIB). From 1998 JSC УRedan-KBФ build whole type row of professional rigidinflatable motorboats УRedanФ from 4 up to 10m, capacity from 2 up to 20 persons and speeds of a course from 40 up to 130 kms/h. The spectrum of rigid- inflatable motorboats УRedanФ use is huge. They are successfully used for patrol service, performance of service travels, delivery, landing and removal of special groups with courts, delivery of the people and small parties of cargoes on court and other objects, economic purposes, rest, hunt, fishing, tourism, maintenance of descent of skin-divers. These manoeuvrable and high-speed motorboats are ideal saving means. The advantages are obvious these motorboats: they are insubmersibile, inflatable boards allow to approach and moor to a board of courts and berthing structures in any wave without fear to receive mutual damages and to accept with excited surfaces of the sea of the injureds without fear to put by it traumas, manageable and a high-speed motor-boat УRedanФ transportable overland on a trailer they can be delivered in the most inaccessible reservoirs for rendering assistance to the injureds The rigid Ц inflatable motorboats УRedanФ have the rigid hull from aluminum-magnum alloy, demountable inflatable board from a strong synthetic material. It is rigid Ц inflatable motorboats УRedan 420Ф, УRedan 550Ф, УRedan 600Ф, УRedan 700-3Ф, УRedan 700-4Ф, УRedan 900Ф are maintained by sea departments Of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, saving groups of Emercom of Russia, sea protection Frointer Border Guards of Russian Federation and e.c. The main advantages of production JSC УRedan-KBФ are: 1. Exclusive; 2. Speed; 3. Reliability; 4. Safety; 5. Manoeuvrability; 6. Small draught; 7. Ease in management; 8. Profitability in operation. JSC УRedan-KBФ projects and builds rigid Ц inflatable motorboats УRedanФ of various purpose , taking into account individual wishes of the Customers. North-West Shipping Company: success history. North-West Shipping Company is one of the most important companies for transportation of export and import cargoes. In eighties basic industrial structure was formed, reconstruction of coastal port structures and shipbuilding/ship repairing enterprises in St.Petersburg and the Leningrad Province was realized, the river-boat station with the hotel and REB of passanger fleet was built, basic composition of the fleet was formed. The Shipping Company became Joint Stock Company in 1992 and was reorganized into holding in 2000. Realization of the Fleet Renovation Five Year Program is the priority direction of the CompanyТs development. This is confirmed by launching on April 12, 2002 of the first motor ship Sviatoy Apostol Andrey (Saint Apostle Andrew) according to the order of the Shipping Company. Tranzas installs navigation systems in MaerskТs ships. Tranzas carries out the order of the most important transportation company in the world Ц Maersk (A.P. Moller Group) on delivery of 320 electronic mapping navigation systems (EMNS) of TH97 format and also 6 simulators for training centres of this company and for the Marine Academy. The choice was realized on the basis of EMNS estimation by Infocom Company and their recognition as the most perfect systems according to the cost-quality criterium. R.A. Nelepin. Method and system for preventions of coollisions of ships with oncoming craft and grounding of ships. Subject: New Way and System of Elimination of Vessel Collision with Oncoming Objects It is proposed to supplement exiting systems of automatic prevention of ship collisions at 1) Additional PC working programs producing controlling signals for influence on rudder and propulsion engine in other to avoid oncoming obstacle. 2) Servosystems perceiving these signals and transforming them into controlling influences transferred to the steering arrangement control system and to the automatic remote control system. V.L. Alexandrov, V.N. Kireev, D.A. Grubov. What kind of Arctic large tanker will be? Development of Arctic large tanker conception, selection of most acceptable characteristics. The shipТs purpose: simultaneous transportation of 4 kinds of cargoes including oil products and gas condensate without limitation of flash point, with mass density up to 1.025 t/cub.m; receiving and transportation of oil from ice-resistant offshore loading terminal or off-shore stationary platform of Arctic freezing seas, from the Norvegian Sea and the North Sea, including receiving with the use of bow loading system (BLS). For seventieth birthday of Y.N. Kormilitsin. Rigidly Ц inflatable motorboats УRedanФ Ц Novelty of the shipbuilding market of Russia. New in a direction of JSC УRedan-KBФ activity is designing and building of rigid Ц inflatable motorboats (RIB ). From 1998 JSC УRedan-KBФ build whole type row of professional rigid- inflatable motorboats УRedanФ from 4 up to 10m, capacity from 2 up to 20 persons and speeds of a course from 40 up to 130 kms/h. The spectrum of rigid- inflatable motorboats УRedanФ use is huge. They are successfully used for patrol service, performance of service travels, delivery, landing and removal of special groups with courts, delivery of the people and small parties of cargoes on court and other objects, economic purposes, rest, hunt, fishing, tourism, maintenance of descent of skin-divers. These manoeuvrable and high-speed motorboats are ideal saving means. The advantages are obvious these motorboats: they are insubmersibile, inflatable boards allow to approach and moor to a board of courts and berthing structures in any wave without fear to receive mutual damages and to accept with excited surfaces of the sea of the injureds without fear to put by it traumas, manageable and a high-speed motor-boat УRedanФ transportable overland on a trailer they can be delivered in the most inaccessible reservoirs for rendering assistance to the injureds The rigid Ц inflatable motorboats УRedanФ have the rigid hull from aluminum-magnum alloy, demountable inflatable board from a strong synthetic material. It is rigid Ц inflatable motorboats УRedan 420Ф, УRedan 550Ф, УRedan 600Ф, УRedan 700-3Ф, УRedan 700-4Ф, УRedan 900Ф are maintained by sea departments Of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, saving groups of Emercom of Russia, sea protection Frointer Border Guards of Russian Federation and e.c. The main advantages of production JSC УRedan-KBФ are: 1. Exclusive; 2. Speed; 3. Reliability; 4. Safety; 5. Manoeuvrability; 6. Small draught; 7. Ease in management; 8. Profitability in operation. JSC УRedan-KBФ projects and builds rigid Ц inflatable motorboats УRedanФ of various purpose , taking into account individual wishes of the Customers. North-West Shipping Company: success history. North-West Shipping Company is one of the most important companies for transportation of export and import cargoes. In eighties basic industrial structure was formed, reconstruction of coastal port structures and shipbuilding/ship repairing enterprises in St.Petersburg and the Leningrad Province was realized, the river-boat station with the hotel and REB of passanger fleet was built, basic composition of the fleet was formed. The Shipping Company became Joint Stock Company in 1992 and was reorganized into holding in 2000. Realization of the Fleet Renovation Five Year Program is the priority direction of the CompanyТs development. This is confirmed by launching on April 12, 2002 of the first motor ship Sviatoy Apostol Andrey (Saint Apostle Andrew) according to the order of the Shipping Company. Tranzas installs navigation systems in MaerskТs ships. Tranzas carries out the order of the most important transportation company in the world ЦMaersk (A.P. Moller Group) on delivery of 320 electronic mapping navigation systems (EMNS) of TH97 format and also 6 simulators for training centres of this company and for the Marine Academy. The choice was realized on the basis of EMNS estimation by Infocom Company and their recognition as the most perfect systems according to the cost-quality criterium. R.A. Nelepin. Method and system for preventions of coollisions of ships with oncoming craft and grounding of ships. Subject: New Way and System of Elimination of Vessel Collision with Oncoming Objects It is proposed to supplement exiting systems of automatic prevention of ship collisions at 1) Additional PC working programs producing controlling signals for influence on rudder and propulsion engine in other to avoid oncoming obstacle. 2) Servosystems perceiving these signals and transforming them into controlling influences transferred to the steering arrangement control system and to the automatic remote control system. 3) PC programs for calculation of time up to the moment of collection with oncoming object. The system algorithm structure is presented in the form of graph-scheme. N.I. Rodichkin. Paradox of some formulae used for appreciation of safety of navigation by designed range (leading line). Analysis of formulae used for calculation of navigational range for safe navigation. It is suggested to use at designing the range its value in the final point of its use instead of allowable side deflection; this value is defined according to the linear navigational range law. V.E. Novikov. Choosing of optimum route from Saint-Petersburg and Kaliningrad ports to Bornholm island through Baltic sea. Rational and safest passages are suggested for ships through the Baltic Sea via the Gulf of Finland, from the outlet from the Gulf of Finland to Bornholm Island, from Bornholm Island to Kaliningrad port, from Kaliningrad backwards to the Gulf of Finland. Information about currents in the Baltic Sea is presented. Y. Dachev. Navigation maps of Great Britain. Information about publication of marine maps in the United Kingdom, news for navigators, adopted symbols on maps and plans. Y.M. Haliullin, V.N. Polovinkin, N.V. Andrunin. Main princi ples of organization for maintenance of technical means of shi p survivability. Subject: Basic Principles of Organization of Survivability Conservation of WarshipТs (ShipТs). Technical Facilities (TF). TF survivability is a functional property of person-technique-medium system for conservation of which it is necessary to keep up quality of their functioning and mutual compatibility. Four obligatory conditions of survivability maintenance are considered: high level of special training of personal and of special preparation of struggle for survivability, of TF maintenance in established reference position, creation out of comfortable conditions of working medium, carrying out of organization/technical measures and actions of personnel in struggle for survivability. P.V. Kuzmichev. Choosing of optimum method for calculation of unsinkability parameters. Subject: Selection of Optimal Way for Submarine Surface Unsinkability (SU) Parameters Calculation for Development of System of Information-al Support for Struggle for Survivability. Conclusion: Optimization problem is reduced to definition of values for which the function having special purpose is minimum and it is necessary for obtaining the most trustworthy information at SU assessment and prediction to use for each moment of time the calculation method ensuring maximum accuracy namely for this moment. K.A Abramian. About coefficient of safety. The formula is suggested for more precise definition of coefficient of safety used for definition of ultimate tensile stress given in the standard. N.V. Kulikov, K.E. Sazonov. Interaction of large shi ps with ice-breaker in ice conditions. Subject: Interaction of Large Vessels with Ice-breaker in Ice. Navigation tactics for large vessels interacting with ice-breaker (push towing, parallel course with ice-breaker) and method for determination of ice resistance of ships depending on channel width behind the ice-breaker are suggested. G.D. Filimonov. MorFlot Concern: new technologies. MorFlot Concern (founded on November 4, 1996) works on solution of one of vital problems of engineering Ц development and introduction of anticorrosive protection technologies. The company works in ship-repairing and shipbuilding, but plans to be engaged in power plants, pipeline renewal and other branches of industry and also in nuclear reactor protection. Owing to creation of JSC Muhlhan MorFlot Protection International potentialities of MorFlot increased, new technologies have been mastered. Times have come to attract subcontractory for forming the second echelon of enterprises of shipbuilding industry and creation of independent specialized technological service enterprises occupied in this sphere. The concern develops the conception of creation of regional enterprise for manufacturing ships cabins, production of metal structures, sections etc. T. Szelangiewicz. Design problems at shi p out fitting with moring positioning system. V.L. Alexandrov, A.P. Matlakh, Y.I. Nechayev, V.I. Poliakov. Intelligence systems of new generations. The characteristic of important directions for solution of theoretical and practical problems of shipbuilding connected with the use intelligent systems is given. The conception considers complex engineering structure as a system based on knowledge, continuous change and perfection of which takes place in the process of operation. Methods and models used in intelligent technologies are complicated; scales of soluted problems and functional characteristics are considerable. It is possible to judge about efficiency of functioning intelligent complex in the considered situation according to the fact how mach adequately the investigated subject field is described and procedures of logical derivation with the help of method of analysis and data transformation are realised. Synergetic effect of integration of indistinct system, intelligent systems theory, evolutionary modelling and cognitive paradigm form scientific basis for deep integration of complex intelligent structures uniting intelligent systems of various purposes. Stable high quality of work is kept and level of computation output unattainable earlier is realized in this case. Parallelism and possibility of non-linear transformation of information open prospects of practical realization of intelligent technologies built on the basis of new principles of information processing in complex problems of data analysis and interpretation. V.A. Radchenco. Marine diesel engines of JSC Zvezda. The Zvezda Plant occupied deserved place among Russian diesel engine manufacturing plants from the very beginning of marine diesel engine production in 1945 and now it is the largest in Russia producer of powerful high speed diesel engines of specific light-weight design. Two types of engines are produced now there: ChN 18/20 and ChN 16/17 providing power output range 190 to 7400 kW. JSC Zvezda permanently modernizes and perfects both the types of engines. The family of 18/20 diesel engine recently with 6-cylinder in-line unitized multipurpose diesel engine created on the basis of 12-cylinder diesel engine of the second generation. The new engine provides power outputs up to 190Ц 404 kW with rotation speed modifications 1080 to 1600 rpm. 6-cylinder engline up to 550 kW is under development. High reliability and quality, simplicity in operation, such parameters as low specific weight (11.1 Ц 13.6 kg/kW), high dimension power (47.6 Ц 33.4 kW/sq.m), record starting time without warm-up with receiving 100 % load, high accuracy of keeping electric power parameters, lack of hot spare capacity mode and other features allow to use diesel-electric plants and systems of Zvezda on quite various objects and certainly in ships. The new conception of automation of diesel-generators and electric power stations has been development now. The conception provides for use (as a core of the system) of improved microprocessor speed governor with extensive collection of function carried out-starting control, frequency stabilization, synchronization and distribution of load at parallel operation, measuring and indication, signalling and protection of diesel-generator on basic parameters. Such apporoach is taken into account in the new conception of configuration of diesel electric stations Ц so called unitized stations mounted on a single bedplate with complete set of all necessary equipment have been created. Entire cycle of works for creation of diesel engines, from designing to manufacturing and modification on the basis of test operation results is carried out traditionally by JSC Zvezda itself. Own production equipped with up-to-date machines, including machines with digital program control, allows to manufacture all basic details and assemblies, including piston rings, bearing shells, furl equipment and turbo-superchargers. Such approach in present-day conditions of Russian industry ensures independence from market policy of possible suppliers and allows to guarantee timely delivery and moderate prices for customers. L.G. Kuznetsov. Perspectives of JSC УCompressorФ in Saint-Petersburg. For a long time JSC УCompressorФ, St-Petersburg has been delivering air compressors and units for drying and purifying practically to all ships. |
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